A young bride and groom-to-be had just selected their wedding rings. As the young lady admired the plain platinum and diamond band she had chosen for herself, she suddenly looked concerned.
"Tell me," she asked the rather elderly salesman,"Is there anything special I'll have to do to take care of this ring?"
With a fatherly smile, the salesman said, "One of the best ways to protect a wedding ring is to soak it in dishwater."
Copyright 2011 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊. All rights reserved.
2011年10月11日 星期二
2011年9月25日 星期日
Email Me Form
Email Me Form is a free online form generator service that helps you create HTML forms for your website, with no programming required.
You can create a variety of online forms using our easy form builder. Design and build surveys, contact forms, and lead generation forms. Seamlessly integrate our HTML contact forms on your website.
Works with any web hosting account!
No need to run scripts, our powerful form engine processes your submissions, autoresponds on your behalf, and redirects visitors to a thank you page.
Stop Spam 100%!
It's a bad idea to place a simple mailto:tag or email address on your contact page. Email harvesting software will add your address to a spam list. Our forms contain multiple anti-spam utilities like CAPTCHA image verification, IP address limits, and Keyword Blocking.
No Programming required!
You can select from templates such as contact forms, order forms, and survey forms. Or create your own form using our WYSIWIG form builder. Our form builder will generate the HTML code to copy and paste to your site.
Don't start from scratch!
Sign up for FREE and experience simple and easy-to-use HTML form builder. Create your own form or use one of our templates. Collect Data. Analyze Results.
You can create a variety of online forms using our easy form builder. Design and build surveys, contact forms, and lead generation forms. Seamlessly integrate our HTML contact forms on your website.
Works with any web hosting account!
No need to run scripts, our powerful form engine processes your submissions, autoresponds on your behalf, and redirects visitors to a thank you page.
Stop Spam 100%!
It's a bad idea to place a simple mailto:tag or email address on your contact page. Email harvesting software will add your address to a spam list. Our forms contain multiple anti-spam utilities like CAPTCHA image verification, IP address limits, and Keyword Blocking.
No Programming required!
You can select from templates such as contact forms, order forms, and survey forms. Or create your own form using our WYSIWIG form builder. Our form builder will generate the HTML code to copy and paste to your site.
Don't start from scratch!
Sign up for FREE and experience simple and easy-to-use HTML form builder. Create your own form or use one of our templates. Collect Data. Analyze Results.
2011年9月24日 星期六
原廠認證中古車走勢看俏:中古車雖便宜卻也隱藏許多看不見的風險,因此經原廠認證的中古車,便成為消費者免去煩惱的新選擇。 過去的中古車交易一直帶有神祕色彩,沒有熟人帶領根本很難一窺究竟,但近年拜網路盛行所賜,資訊透明且傳遞速度快,加上拍賣網站的興起,均讓中古車買賣更加熱絡且多元。 會開車並不表示這個人懂車,汽車資訊吸收的多並不代表他就是專家,實際上要鑑定一部車得具備非常豐富的實務經驗與專業知識,但大多數消費者對汽車都只是一知半解,如果再加上買賣雙方對車輛的認知出現明顯落差,所產生的就是許多交易糾紛,讓民眾一聽到中古車就害怕,但也因此而造就出有利於原廠中古車部門的環境。 出自原廠中古車部門的車輛雖然售價往往高過於坊間車行,但因為具備產品認證及售後服務體系的背書,消費者即便多付出一些費用,卻能換來安心並獲得與新車相同的服務條件,而車廠本身也能夠藉此拓展業務並強化品牌印象,甚至可穩定產品價值及消費者的信心,可說是一個雙贏局面,因此近幾年已有多家車廠陸續加入原廠認證中古車的營運業務,後勢頗為看好。
2011年6月17日 星期五
Let's go shopping in USA.
Let's go shopping in USA.
1. 中國反壟斷反貪腐行動:賓士遭調查,眾家豪車廠寶馬、奧迪、賓利、保時捷等皮皮剎
2. 本田Odyssey 改款驚豔
3. 汽車維修保養 謹記6要點
4. 感恩節 吃喝玩樂
5. Black Friday零售店排行
6. 黑色星期五 網購折扣多
7. 假期購物訣竅
8. 過節採購須知 撿便宜不背債
9. 沃爾瑪拚黑色星期五變五天
10. 11月折扣多 記得撿便宜
11. 挑對打折時段輕鬆省錢. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. 中國反壟斷反貪腐行動:賓士遭調查,眾家豪車廠寶馬、奧迪、賓利、保時捷等皮皮剎
2. 本田Odyssey 改款驚豔
3. 汽車維修保養 謹記6要點
4. 感恩節 吃喝玩樂
5. Black Friday零售店排行
6. 黑色星期五 網購折扣多
7. 假期購物訣竅
8. 過節採購須知 撿便宜不背債
9. 沃爾瑪拚黑色星期五變五天
10. 11月折扣多 記得撿便宜
11. 挑對打折時段輕鬆省錢. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7